Natural England is consulting on a proposal to introduce charges for wildlife licences. The consultation will close on Monday 5 February 2018. We encourage architects and clients to respond to the consultation (link below).
A465 Heads of Valleys Section 2 Improvement wins Gold Green World Award
Costain has won gold for the A465 HoV2 Improvement Scheme in the Civil Engineering Environmental category of the International Green World Awards 2017, hosted by The Green Organisation, an international, independent, non-profit, non-political, environment group, dedicated to recognising, rewarding and…
What do bats do in winter?
For the next three or four months, British bats will be in hibernation. Void dwelling bats such as greater and lesser horseshoe bats are often found hibernating in significant numbers in underground sites such as tunnels, mines, caves and cellars,…
CIEEM Autumn Conference 2017
Richard’s presentation, ‘Bat Mitigation and Monitoring on the A465 Heads of Valleys Section 2’ at the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) Autumn Conference 2017, was well received by over 300 professional ecologists. He has had several positive…
Plan your winter surveys now
Now is the time to book any winter surveys, to avoid delays to your project. Preliminary bat roost assessment of trees should be undertaken when there are no leaves to obscure views. Potential bat hibernacula should be surveyed by inspection…
QGIS training for ecological consultants 2018
We are pleased to announce that we will be running our Introduction to QGIS for Ecological Consultants training course on the 27 & 28 March 2018. Building on the success of our previous one-day course, we have decided to provide…
Cirl Bunting Development Guidance Note
The RSPB, in conjunction with Devon County Council, Teignbridge District Council and Torbay Council, has produced a new guidance note for built developments affecting cirl buntings in Devon. Cirl buntings are an attractive and iconic Devon species. Once widespread across…
HS2 Bat Mitigation Class Licence
Richard Green has become one of the first ecological consultants in England to become registered to use the HS2 Bat Mitigation Licences WML-CL39 and WML-CL40. WML-CL39 permits activities resulting in the disturbance and/or capture of certain species of bats and/or…
Bat Emergence Survey Season
If evidence of bats is found in a building during a preliminary bat survey or there is potential for bats to be present in unseen locations, e.g., above wall tops or under ridge tiles, bat emergence surveys will be required…
Exciting New Lupton House Project
The Lupton Trust has received a Repair Grant from Historic England to carry out restoration works. The total grant awarded is £80,678 which will provide funding towards project development work including surveys and urgent repairs to the house, Italianate Garden…