Richard recently attended a two day Natural England/CIEEM training course to become a Registered Consultant with a Bat Low Impact Class Licence (BLICL). After the course Richard had to undertake an on-line assessment that he passed with flying colours.
The aims of this licence are to:
- reduce the costs and delays for developers;
- reduce the burden on Natural England;
- allow a more proportionate approach for low conservation status roosts of certain species (under strict criteria);
- and reduce adverse perceptions of bats.
Richard is now one of a relatively small number of consultants in England who hold this licence, having demonstrated a high level of earned recognition in this field.
We can therefore offer a more competitive package for bat surveys and licensing where survey findings fall under the criteria for this licence. We can also apply for a licence if another consultant has undertaken surveys but does not hold a BLICL. Again, the findings would have to fit the criteria and sufficient and appropriate survey must have been undertaken.
In summary, the BLICL permits the disturbance and capture of bats and / or damage / destruction of roost/s of no more than three low conservation significance roosts (i.e., feeding roosts, day, night and transitional/occasional roosts), affecting no more than three of the more common species of bat present in small numbers.
Species covered include:
- common pipistrelle;
- soprano pipistrelle;
- brown long-eared;
- whiskered;
- Brandt’s;
- Daubenton’s; and
- Natterer’s bats.
Please Contact Us for more information.