Richard Green Ecology are experts in undertaking extended phase 1 habitat surveys and produce high quality survey plans using GIS and mapping software.
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey usually forms the basis of a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and involves a walkover of the site to identify habitats and plant species, as well as an assessment of the potential for protected and notable species presence, for example, badgers, dormice, bats, nesting birds, reptiles and invasive plants such as Japanese knotweed (please note that this list is not exhaustive).
A desk-based study is also carried out, consulting with local record centres for protected/notable species records and designated sites within close proximity of the site.
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey can be carried out at any time of year, although the optimal period for surveying is in the spring or summer months.
Should any protected or notable species be identified or potentially present, further species-specific survey may be required. Some surveys, such as for reptiles and dormice, require several repeat survey visits following placement of artificial refuges on the site. Some surveys are also seasonally constrained, depending on the ecology and activity of the species concerned. It is therefore important that you Contact Us at an early stage in any development.
Please refer to our ecological survey calendar for when surveys can be undertaken.
Key Benefits of Service

- Can be undertaken at any time of year
- Establish baseline conditions and determine the importance of ecological features present
- Identify key constraints and recommend options to avoid significant ecological impacts at an early stage
- Establish any requirements for further surveys, including seasonal constraints
- Identify mitigation measures that may be required
- Identify enhancement opportunities